
The Currency is an online publisher offering insightful, dynamic and brave stories, commentary and investigations.

Focusing on business, finance, economics and public policy, we are online only and subscription only. We give our members an edge in business.

Currency Media Ltd, trading as The Currency, is based in Ireland. It was founded in 2019 by two Irish journalists called Tom Lyons and Ian Kehoe. Between them they have over 30 years of journalism experience working across television, radio and print. Lyons is the company’s chief executive, and Kehoe is the editor. Both write extensively for The Currency – driving investigations, writing commentary and producing stories, podcasts and interviews.


Our Values


Our overarching philosophy is to create a platform for quality journalism; journalism that is fearless, focused and always interesting.


Our journalism is independent and will not be beholden to any corporate, sectoral or political interest – including our own. We will not self-censor our journalism out of fear, and we will not shy away from stories if we believe they are in the public interest.


We seek the truth, and we will publish that truth. We will endeavour at all times to be accurate and rigorous in our reporting. If we are wrong, we will admit it. If we are right, we will fight to prove it.


We ask hard questions and pursue hard stories. But we treat our subjects, and our readers with respect.


We are not driven by personal agendas, and our journalism seeks to be fair and impartial. We report fairly, analyse honestly and comment forthrightly on the issues, the people and the topics that matter.


Our mission is to create a product that is both sustainable and driven by quality. We are committed to investing in journalism and running a sustainable venture.